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Cowgirl is a soft-leaved, endophyte-free tall fescue that is suited for both high-quality hay production as well as a preferred cool season grass in a grazing situation.  This variety produces impressive yields with high levels of digestible fiber across a wide range of geographies and environmental stresses. Cowgirl exhibits great winter hardiness as well as heat and drought tolerance.  This variety travels well from Northern climates throughout the transition zone. Cowgirl is a very deep-rooted plant; therefore, it will have peak performance within deep soils.  Cowgirl also performs well in poorly drained soils.

Cowgirl tall fescue provides very high dry matter production and an exceptional amount of highly digestible fiber (NDFd), therefore this variety is best utilized for hay and haylage production.  Often referred to as the perfect companion with alfalfa, Cowgirl has the ideal maturity, improved stand persistency, and is adapted to conditions where alfalfa struggles, such as poorly drained soils.  Cowgirl also excels as a pasture grass, offering high palatability and the ability to handle the abuses of grazing animals.

Available in Europe.


  • Disease Resistance

  • High Yields

  • Cold Tolerance

  • Climate Resistant

  • Soft-Leafed

  • Endophyte Free

  • Medium Late Maturity

  • Highly Palatable For Increased Grazing Intake

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